LMA Communication


Recognize the Impact of the “Second” Thank You

Gift giving is essentially about establishing and maintaining relationships. We give gifts to acknowledge someone’s life (birthday), accomplishment (graduation), new beginnings (baby) and many other reasons for celebrations or sometimes even condolences. Even when we give obligatory gifts, such as a holiday present to Aunt Emily whom we rarely see but who expects a gift), …

Recognize the Impact of the “Second” Thank You Read More »

Warning Signs that Your Boss May be Undermining Your Career Advancement

You like your job, and your performance reviews are stellar. You’ve put in the long hours, made considerable sacrifices, and now you are ready to reap the benefits of your hard work. However, when you try to talk to your boss about taking the next step, you sense that she doesn’t want to go there. …

Warning Signs that Your Boss May be Undermining Your Career Advancement Read More »

Three Critical Success Factors for Starting a New Job

You made it through the interviews and got a great job offer. The salary was more than you expected. Now it’s up to you to make this transition a success. We all know how critical first impressions can be, and you can be sure that everyone is sizing up the new employee and making an …

Three Critical Success Factors for Starting a New Job Read More »

Four Magic Words that People Can’t Resist

In today’s flatter, team-based organizations, you must successfully engage others in order to benefit from their expertise and advice. However, in our aggressive, largely individualistic culture, we recognize that other people may be turf protective and reluctant to share information that appears to give another person an advantage. How, then, do we encourage others to …

Four Magic Words that People Can’t Resist Read More »