LMA Communication uses our decades of experience to help businesses and individuals become more effective communicators and stronger leaders.
LMA Communication
When you think of your professional assets, you may think of your college degrees, years of experience, or business contacts. While all of these factors play a part, at LMA Communication we believe that there is something much more critical to your overall success. That something is your mind – your thoughts, your beliefs about yourself and others, and the actions you choose to take.
In short, you are your most important asset. Let LMA Communication help you make it your greatest.
Our Core Values Become Your Competitive Advantage
LMA Communication® is a professional services firm that consults with management, departments, and individuals on issues related to communication strategies, message development, written and oral communication, and effective interpersonal communication skills. This is accomplished through facilitated strategic planning sessions, communication audits, focus groups, and leadership development.
Everyone is looking for that edge; that competitive advantage that makes employers more likely to hire them or offer that promotion. When there are lots of equally qualified candidates, it comes down to the subtle differences. The candidate with finesse, congeniality, and a forward-thinking attitude combined with competence, credibility, and integrity will always have a competitive edge. This is what LMA Communication is devoted to creating with our clients.
Getting Down to Business: How We Serve
Our decades of business experience and dedication to the field of professional development and communication make us uniquely suited to not just educate but to elevate. Including soft skills like conflict resolution, business etiquette, and clear communication in your personal development program can deliver the solid results you’re looking for.
We know how busy the life of a professional can be, so we offer convenient ways to grow in knowledge to achieve greater business success.
Online Courses, Training, Coaching, and Assessments
The core of LMA Communication for more than 20 years has been our in-person group and one-on-one personal development work. We are now channeling our expertise into online courses to make this information more accessible to a larger audience.
Frequently, education for professionals focuses on skill development and knowledge growth while treating the human factor as an afterthought. Today’s business world has changed dramatically, with the old rules of client and co-worker interaction being replaced by a whole new set of ideas and standards. Are you staying up to date on your E.Q. (Emotional Intelligence)? Or are you unintentionally sending the wrong message about yourself to others? Find out what the new rules are for business etiquette, personal communication skills, building relationships, and more with our comprehensive video courses.
No one wants to irritate co-workers or insult clients, but not knowing the right thing to do or say could deliver that result. Perfect for HR departments, sales teams, individuals, and more, your organization will experience enhanced communication and better results when everyone knows what to do or say and when to do or say it.
Grow your team’s success with our communication and team building courses. We offer courses covering effective communication, workplace behavior, building relationships, meeting skills, and much more. Find more details on these courses here.
Investing in your own personal development is always time well spent. We offer a full library of videos designed to help you stay current with the ever-changing climate of business communications, job search skills, mentoring, personal growth, relationship building, and more.
Our personal and leadership development courses focus on communication for leaders, leading through persuasion, presentation mastery, and more. We teach up-and-coming and current leaders how to communicate effectively and how to stay in control, even in challenging or highly emotional situations. Learn more on these programs here.
Personal growth begins with understanding who you are, how you operate, and how you learn best. With this information in hand and in mind, you can create better plans for reaching your goals.
The vast majority of decision-making is based on emotions. The Emotional Intelligence Instrument, or EQ-i, helps assessment takers understand their cognitive abilities, emotional intelligence, ability to manage emotions and stress, and more.
The vast majority of decision-making is based on emotions. The Emotional Intelligence Instrument, or EQ-i, helps assessment takers understand their cognitive abilities, emotional intelligence, ability to manage emotions and stress, and more.
One of the most famous personality type assessments, the Myers-Brigg Type Indicator (MBTI) helps users discover preferences in how they use their perception and judgement. Using seemingly random behavior as a guide, the MBTI reveals the order hidden within.
The Etiquette Edge: Modern Manners for Business Success
All the industry knowledge and drive in the world will only get you so far. To truly find success in your career, and genuinely, your whole life, courtesy and appropriate behavior are essential. Frequently downplayed in today’s rushed and often rude culture, etiquette and manners show others that you are not just competent, you’re a true team asset that values and builds up those around you. Confidently courteous people are the ones managers want on their teams, and the ones employees want as their managers.
Decades of Experience for Tomorrow’s Success
LMA Communication, Inc. has been consulting, training, and coaching organizations and business professionals for decades. Dr. Beverly Langford, Ph.D., has also taught leadership communication at Robinson College of Business at Georgia State University for many years, giving her both real-world experience and academic prowess. This blend of skills and an unceasing dedication to helping the business world communicate better make LMA Communication the resource you can rely on to turn your abilities and professionalism into your – and your company’s – greatest asset. Choose one of our courses or order our book today and take the next steps toward your professional future.