Personal/Leadership Development
Investing in yourself and developing your own potential is a competitive edge that everyone needs, whether you’re a CEO, a mid-level manager, or entry level employee. LMA Communication offers workshops and courses that help you achieve more both personally and professionally. We are proud to offer a series of programs designed to enhance leadership in a variety of ways. Depending on the requirements of the organization, we can also customize these workshops.
Personal and Leadership Development Programs
Influencing others is an act of leadership, and persuasion and influence are key components of leadership communication. In this workshop, participants will examine how to influence others with integrity, build rapport, and avoid persuasion pitfalls. We’ll identify the steps and principles involved in influencing others, removing barriers, overcoming resistance, and developing both logical and emotional strategies to win over your target audience.
If you’re looking to up your social influence game even more, consider our online course Refuse to Schmooze and You Lose to boost your relationship building skills.
If you need to be the bearer of bad news, this course is for you. Sooner or later any manager or other leader will need to tell someone something they don’t want to hear. How you share this information can make the difference between preserving a relationship and maintaining your own credibility…or destroying them both. Learn how to ease the pain of unwelcome information in this course, available both as an in-person workshop or online in our Delivering Unwelcome Information Without Wrecking Relationships video course.
Do you prefer online learning? Access our online courses here and get started even faster.