LMA Communication

Develop Your Power of Persuasion and Influence



Develop Your Power of Persuasion and Influence

“Develop Your Power of Persuasion and Influence” is especially valuable for both those who are in a position of authority or responsible for leading others and for those who aspire to success and moving forward in their careers and accomplishments.

This course is composed of five lessons and quizzes and a final exam. The lessons average 11 minutes. 49 seconds each for a total of 59.13 minutes of presentation time.

After completing this course, you will be able to….

  • Learn that we all lead when we persuade.
  • Distinguish the specifics of persuasion and influence.
  • Know how to develop and use the three factors that all persuasion and influence could address.
  • Recognize the needs of your audience.
  • Develop an ability to handle resistance.
  • Avoid communication elements that may undermine your success.