The Etiquette Edge:
Your Essential Etiquette Book for Business Success

The Etiquette Edge - Modern Manners for Business Success
The Etiquette Edge – Modern Manners for Business Success, was published in August 2016, by the American Management Association. This new version provides current updates that will enhance working relationships to build career advantage! Orders can be placed on

Business Etiquette: Today’s Competitive Edge
You’ve got the education, the experience, and the skills for the job. But so do the other five top candidates. What will give you the competitive edge to hear those magical words you’ve got the job? Time after time, the person with the “it” factor comes out ahead. Sometimes people don’t even realize why they find someone so appealing, but it comes down to interpersonal know-how and effective communication. Whether you call it etiquette, social graces, or savoir-faire, these essential people skills have the power to make or break careers. Successful business men and women around the world are using this secret weapon to advance their careers and grow their businesses, and with The Etiquette Edge: Modern Manners for Business Success, you can, too.
The Finesse to Seal the Deal
Business etiquette goes far deeper than simple politeness and modern manners. Times have changed, and to harness the power of etiquette in today’s business world, you must offer more than the basics. Once you begin to apply the principles found in this book, you’ll quickly find that it’s really the fine details that separate mediocrity from wild success.
In this easy-to-read guide with actionable tips, The Etiquette Edge offers a comprehensive breakdown of everyday situations in which both employees and managers often find themselves. How confident are you in tense situations like workplace conflict, interviews, running a meeting, or pitching an idea to your boss? Are your habits, body language, social media use, and credibility serving you or subtly damaging your reputation? What is your personal brand saying about you to managers, clients, and coworkers? We live in times where relationship capital is king, and if you want a strong and healthy career, your human connections must also be in top condition.

Let The Etiquette Edge give you the edge you need to succeed. Order today.
Well Said: Reviews for The Etiquette Edge
A big theme in business writing today is the importance of EQ (Emotional/Social Intelligence), the ability to perceive, assess, and manage the emotions of oneself and others. The research is clear and consistent: Good leaders and highly effective people have high EQ. Whereas, most authors deal with the importance of EQ in theory, Langford gives us an owner's manual for EQ applied and she doesn't even mention the word in the book!
This is a much needed and practical "how-to" book on working and communicating with others in the 21st Century work environment. In short, Etiquette Edge is about building and deploying the character and personal brand equity needed to succeed in today's work place.
Pithy and to the point short chapters make this book a great office "devotional" - a helpful, time-efficient way to jump start a day in the office with a relevant idea to make this day more effective. I gave each of my early-career children a copy to read with a strong suggestion that if they wanted to see a penny of their inheritance, they'd better read it!
Everyday Courtesy for Extraordinary Success
From day-to-day interactions in general society to thriving in the workplace to dealing with sensitive situations, you’ll find all the answers you need in The Etiquette Edge. Broken up into three sections to do a deep dive into each topic, this etiquette book will truly answer your questions and clear up confusion as to what is the best way to approach all types of circumstances. Because The Etiquette Edge is specifically targeted for work life, this guide will meet the needs of career-minded men and woman far better than other standard etiquette books.
Everyday Courtesy as a Success Factor
Did you know that rude behavior isn’t just hurting people’s feelings – there is an actual financial price tag associated with incivility? The price of a society casting off courtesy is found in higher stress (and its associated health costs), financial losses, and can even go so far as putting our safety at risk. Fortunately, we can choose to make a difference with each human interaction we have every day and reap the benefits personally and as a community. You can experience greater success in all areas of life – including your bank account – with better etiquette and manners suited for modern society. Part One of The Etiquette Edge introduces the concept of courtesy, how it impacts individuals and businesses, and ways to cultivate a more congenial (and more successful) you. Topics include credibility, gratitude, non-verbal communication, what type of speech and information you should banish from your communication, the power of authenticity, listening as a life skill, the smart use of smart phones and social media post wisdom, and travel etiquette. At the end of this section, you won’t just be convinced that smart etiquette will give you a professional and personal edge in life – you’ll know how to lay the foundation for it.
Best Behaviors at Work: Interacting with Bosses and Peers
Anyone who has said the wrong thing in a meeting understands how much it can impact your career. From failing to get a promotion to being outright fired, your mouth can get you into a lot of trouble. However, the opposite is also true. With a little priming and foresight, your words can boost your position, making your life (and the lives of everyone you interact with) that much more pleasant! In Part Two of this etiquette book, you’ll get into all things work-related and learn how a few tweaks in your behavior and word choice can deliver dramatic positive results. You’ll get the inside scoop on topics like interviewing, setting yourself up for success when starting a new job, good citizenship in the office, getting along with and communicating with your manager, e-mail etiquette, putting your cell phone to good use, dressing for success, making meetings matter (even virtual ones), and how to gracefully leave a job without damaging your reputation – even if you’ve been fired. You’ll also learn about best practices for business socializing, getting noticed for the right reasons, bridging the gender gap, and communicating in a global world (even if that diversity is within your own local office).
Handling Sensitive Issues: Courtesy and Building Trust
We all know someone who always seems to know the right thing to say – and someone who can’t keep their foot out of their mouth. When it comes to sensitive situations, the skill of choosing the right words and the right approach can make the difference between strengthening relationships and destroying them. Part Three of The Etiquette Edge will help give you the tools, techniques, and tactics to navigate manners and finesse through sticky and emotional situations and help ensure that both parties come out on the winning side. Chapters in this section cover managing resentment and jealousy from others when you’ve reached greater success, dealing with bosses that are your friends and those that push you around, dealing with negative coworkers, voicing complaints in a way that gets you heard, the art of apologizing (both giving and receiving), the best way to deliver bad news, bringing courtesy into conflict, and handling tragedy. The final chapter in this essential etiquette book covers your personal brand and how you develop your reputation as both a business asset and an authentic human being.
An Etiquette Book That Covers All the Bases
When it comes to communication, there is an unlimited range of situations, scenarios, and circumstances that a businessperson can find themselves in. Fortunately, The Etiquette Edge covers a breadth of topics, delivering useable, real-world advice on how to conduct yourself for the greatest benefit of everyone involved. From everyday manners to social media post do’s and don’ts and a full range of business scenarios, other business etiquette books can’t compete with the wealth of wisdom found in The Etiquette Edge.
The Case for Courtesy
Manners in the Twenty-First Century
Credibility: Creating It and Keeping It
Develop Your Gratitude Attitude: Say “Thank You” and Mean It
Are Your Nonverbal Messages Telling on You?
What the $%#*!& is Going on Here?
Tell Me Less: Some Things are Better Left Unsaid
Giving Genuine Compliments That Count
Improving Your Listening Skills
Being Smart About Smartphones and Other Devices
Using Social Media to Make – Not Break – Your Career
Travel Courtesy: Don’t Leave Home Without it
Terror on Both Sides of the Desk: Relieving Interview Stress
The New Job: Getting Started on the Right Foot
Office Space: Make Working Together More Enjoyable and Productive
Getting Along with Your Manager: Spotting and Solving Personality Problems
How to Speak So Your Boss Will Listen
E-mail: Think Before You Send
Using Your Phone Most Productively
Dress Code Confusion
Mastering the Art of Meetings
When Meetings Go Virtual
How to Leave a Job: Making a Graceful Exit
Refuse to Schmooze and You Lose: Cultivating the Social Side of Business
Let’s Do Lunch: Dining Your Way to Success
Getting Noticed – Without Becoming Notorious
He Said, She Said: When the Gender Gap Seems as Wide as the Grand Canyon
Citizenship in the Global Village
Loving Your Enemies: Coping with the Price of Success
When Your Best Friend Becomes Your Boss: Balancing the Professional and the Personal
Dealing with a Bully Boss
Dealing with Negative Coworkers
Silence is Not a Virtue: How to Complain Without Carping
An Apology is in Order: Repairing the Damage with a Sincere Response
Delivering Unwelcome Information Without Damaging Relationships
Confronting with Courtesy: Preserving Relationships While Resolving Differences
When the Worst Happens: Dealing with Tragedy, Illness, and Death
Putting it All Together: Creating and Maintaining Your Personal Brand
Don’t sabotage yourself (or others) with easy to correct social missteps. Build your career and your relationships with The Etiquette Edge. Order your book now.
Empowerment for New Hires, Managers, Entrepreneurs and More
The Etiquette Edge is an etiquette book that can benefit anyone, from students to the individual employee to serving whole organizations. When you consider all the benefits that fine-tuning your human interaction can deliver, you’ll understand why all the following groups have found greater success by implementing better etiquette. For the low price of a book, your career can be transformed.
If your organization is suffering from a lack of decorum, you’re not alone. By making helpful books, including The Etiquette Edge, available to every employee and promoting a culture of courtesy, you can improve your company culture, productivity, employee retention, and your bottom line. From small businesses to large corporations to non-profit organizations, there’s no group that won’t benefit from the communication and relationship secrets found in The Etiquette Edge. Order books for each department today.
Is it time to level up? Individual employees who invest time and energy into their personal development on their own, including reading professional books, demonstrate a commitment to themselves that managers appreciate. That translates into more perks, better working relationships, and greater long-term career satisfaction. Whether you’re looking for a new job or well-established in your current role, this etiquette book can be your secret weapon of life and business success.
Ask any successful business owner how important communication skills are to their business and you’ll understand how powerful The Etiquette Edge can be for your venture. Attracting (and keeping) the best employees, getting customers and ensuring their satisfaction, and negotiating deals are all made easier when you know how to best approach each situation. Leave people with the sense that you’re the best one for the job and watch your business prosper by reading transformational books like The Etiquette Edge.
It’s been said that people don’t leave companies, they leave managers. When an employee doesn’t feel recognized, appreciated, or respected by their manager, it’s only a matter of time before they put in their two weeks notice. Books that teach leadership and soft skills are great tools to combat this trend. The Etiquette Edge is an exceptional etiquette book for all kinds of managers to read, whether you’re navigating your first managerial role or an experienced supervisor looking to improve your department’s results.
Good students know that success isn’t just book learning. And in today’s competitive job market job seekers need those soft skills that put hiring decision makers at ease. No manager wants to risk bringing in a new employee who will inadvertently sabotage the department with distracting, destructive, or demoralizing behavior. Make yourself stand out from the crowd among professors, employers, and your fellow coworkers with career-boosting books including The Etiquette Edge. For the low price of a book, you can give yourself a competitive advantage.
A Demonstrated History of Excellence
Dr. Langford has taught leadership and communication to MBA students at Georgia State University’s Robinson College of Business for many years. She has also directed the school’s marketing department program for business communication and the Women’s Leadership Forum held in conjunction with the Atlanta Business Journal. She has received 11 Top Professor awards for Outstanding Teaching and is the 2010 recipient of Robinson College’s Business Teaching Award.
The Etiquette Edge: The Unspoken Rules for Business Success was originally published in 2005. An updated edition entitled The Etiquette Edge: Modern Manners for Business Success was published in 2016. In addition to being published in paperback, an electronic edition and an audiobook edition are also available. You can find the current paperback edition (as well as the e-book edition and audiobook edition) and the best price on Amazon.
In addition to The Etiquette Edge, be sure to explore LMA’s online courses, personal/leadership development courses and communication and team building workshops.

Give Yourself the Keys to Communication Confidence
Everyone wants that edge over the competition, whether you’re a job candidate or an entrepreneur trying to close a deal. Even if you’re not the competitive type, you still need to compete against yourself in order to continue growing. The Etiquette Edge can truly be your biggest asset in the business world and beyond. Once you’ve cleared the confusion about what etiquette means in today’s world and harnessed the power of courtesy, you’ll find doors opening – maybe even those doors you didn’t even know existed. Give yourself the keys to open those doors (or windows!) with confident communication and the finesse it takes to take your career to the top with The Etiquette Edge. Order your copy today!